I held my breath for “Simon Says” Powerful!!
It made me think of how control and inferiority (elements of slavery) are perpetuated in the classroom and school structure. More so, I think about the way Black history is taught and how in many ways it reinforces the white supremacist agenda. Slavery is a prominent part of African-American history but it is not the only part and should not be where the teaching begins. Coming from the Grenada what I learned about my African ancestry was from a very different perspective. Before slavery, we learned African history and when slavery was taught the focus was on the many rebellions and uprisings that took place on the plantations. It may be seen as being dismissive but there was a focus on teaching the people that we are not just decedents of slaves. That being said, on the NYT article about who should own the photos of slaves, it definitely should not be Harvard. I view educational institutions holding on to these photos of slave the same way I view Western museums holding African artifacts – upholding white supremacy.
Such a great insight, it reflects how skewed and subjective history is taught and shared in US institutions. And ultimately how this one-sidedness is used for further control. This definitely relates to Jess’ reflection this week on the whiteness of objectivity. Perhaps we can discuss in today’s class how notions of objectivity are used for control in academia and other educational institutions?